Thursday, 5 May 2011

Week 50: Blueberry cheesecake

This is what was left of the cake by the time I managed to get my camera out :-s Again getting one of your five a day into cake seems to work well!

Week 49: Lemon Meringue Pie

Quite a nice one to make as it uses as many yolks as it does whites!

Week 48: Bakewell tart

Sadly eaten too quickly to get a picture, although I guess that it a good thing!

Week 47: Chocolate and banana cupcakes

Another ingenious way of getting one of your 5 a day!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Week 46: Hot cross buns

It had to be done since its nearly easter. The cross is made out of a flour and water paste piped on. Mary Berry recommends shortcrust pastry but I think that is just a bit weird, pastry in the middle of a sweet roll?

Week 45: Raspberry ripple cupcake with white choc icing

Go on then, I'll just have the one ;-)
One of my dappy workmates thought I actually carved this myself, oh dear!!

Week 44: Fruit cake

I have been putting this off for a long time as I thought it was hard to do and you had to keep feeding the cake alcohol for weeks on end. But I found a quick recipe so made that and it still tasted ok I think. That said one of my workmates did say it would taste better with alcohol in not realising it had loads in there! such a lush!!

Sadly no camera again, having an off couple of weeks :-s

Week 43: Black forest roulade

No picture of this sadly, got eaten too quickly! ( /I forgot my camera :-s )

Week 42: Apple crumble cupcakes

Does what it says on the tin! Apple cupcakes with crunchy crumble topping, at least one of your 5 a day....2 if you eat more ;-)

Week 41: Baked chocolate cheesecake

A real hit, dark chocolate baked base with white chocolate topping. The idea came from a recipe book I have that shows calories per slice....this was the highest in the book at 737 cals and 65g of fat per slice! Worth every bite ;-)

Sunday, 27 February 2011

week 40: Chelsea buns

I wanted to practice my yeast cookery so gave these a go. I think they will need some more perfecting, the key seems to be cooking them close together so you don't get too much "crust" around the edge. I like to think they are a bit healthy as they are mostly bread and fruit so no doubt will try them again soon.

Week 39: Chocolate mousse cake

A baked chocolate mousse cake which is then chilled to serve cold. Quite rich but light, a nice quick pud to make but is very impressive so good for dinner parties and the like!

Week 38:Egg custard tart

Every Sunday morning when I was younger I used to go with my dad to visit my nan, take her her Sunday paper and have a custard tart. So I decided to see if I could make one myself. Traditional egg custard tart I have since found out is basically pastry (calories), egg yolks (the biggest calorie part of an egg) and cream (ahem need I comment here!).....which all equals yum!!! I made a big one and little individual ones, perfect snack sized :-) Top tip: put freshly grated nutmeg on top, goes down a treat

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Week 37: Millies cookies!

I am a massive fan of millies cookies so when asked to try and replicate their selection in one go I was a bit hesitant. I have baked cookies in single batches before but not on such a grand scale...the kitchen resembled marylands production line!! Reviews seemed positive though with everyone enjoying their favourite flavour. I made:
- triple choc
- dark choc
- milk choc and nut
- raspberry and white choc
- oatmeal and raisin
- cherry

Monday, 24 January 2011

week 36: coffee cupcakes

Top tip with these is to dissolve the coffee in warm milk and then use this as the base for the moisture of the cake rather than dissolving in water. Makes for a much richer softer cake

Week 35: Triple chocolate cookies

These are one of my favs, chewy in the middle but crispy on the outside. For those who know Millies cookies imagine those but less expensive! I think I might branch out into more flavours in the coming weeks.....

Week 34: Chocolate beetroot cake

Random yes, tasty I think so! Did get mixed reviews on this one though, I think they key is if you don't like beetroot on its own you like this cake (lets face it chocolate makes everything yummy!). But if you like beetroot then you dislike the tainting of chocolate and lets face it are generally a bit odd!

Week 33: Lemon cake

Lemon crunch cake, instead of drizzle cake (controversial I know!) . Actually went down as "the best lemon cake I have ever tasted" - from my discerning cake critic!

Week 32: Cinnamon & Ginger biscuits

An all time favourite that goes down well every time. Not as spicy as a plain gingerbread man but instead with a nice cinnamon twist!